David Anderson

David Anderson

A Gladiator's Oath

12 stories

Young man wearing sunglasses, a red hoodie with design partially hidden by a denim vest, black jeans, and a backpack. He is standing next to a wall with a large window full of promotional posters. Beneath the wall is spray-painted 666 and random letters.
Black and white image of several black people among harvested cocoa pods, believed to be from the later 1800’s, at a cocoa bean plantation, location unknown.
David Anderson

David Anderson

Biblical history

26 stories

David Anderson

David Anderson


3 stories

A woman holding a Bible is escorted by armed men. Drummers preceed and follow her. People line the street to watch.
David Anderson

David Anderson


93 stories

David Anderson

David Anderson


1 story

David Anderson

David Anderson


8 stories

A mirror nestled in a leafy bush, showing the reflection of a hand holding a flower against a slightly cloudy sky.
David Anderson

David Anderson

Women's Issues

1 story

David Anderson

David Anderson

Climate Change

1 story

David Anderson

David Anderson


8 stories

Tall, brown brick building under blue sky.
Desert plain with mountains in the background, people walking in a line
David Anderson

David Anderson

Mental Health

3 stories

A teenager doing a “talk to the hand” gesture to another teenager, which makes me believe this photo must have been taken before the invention of the modern camera.
David Anderson

David Anderson


1 story

David Anderson

David Anderson

David Anderson is a blogger, award-winning author, bible geek, and novice crypto investor. Doubting Thomas is my patron saint.